Selasa, 08 Juli 2014

Differences love and lust

     You mean my writing is not in touch with the things that pornography. The point that I just wanted to tell which is really where the love of her partner and also who love only with sheer lust. In my opinion there are 3 that differentiate love and lust, including:

1. The Love can make us smile, while passion can make us disappointed. If likened to a paddy rice field is the love and lust is a weed. Well, when one plant rice (love) in the field it will automatically weeds grow well (lust). If the person already knows and understands what it is rice (what love is), then he would immediately cut the weeds (lust) that grow in the fields. When it's harvest time, this person will reap the results of their fields planted with rice (love) it was a piece of rice (happiness). Another story with people who think weed fooled (lust) as rice (love). They will maintain weeds (lust) and rice plants (love) will die. At the time of harvest, of which they can just sack of weed (lust) is not good to eat (disappointment).

2. Love is happiness, lust was harmful. A lover who already find and understand the meaning of true love in him will be the happy condition. Conversely, people who are fooled by lust and lust is considered to be in love in a dangerous condition.

3. Love always wanted to love, while lust has always wanted to fondle. The foundation of a person in a relationship will determine on how these people treat their partner. People who are in a relationship with a foundation of love will always treat their partners in ways that good, keep, cherish, pay attention and always give their best. Whereas if the person desires a relationship because couples tend to treat the physical direction, as if to kiss, want to hug, want to fondle, and so forth. Even worse still to act immoral.

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