Selasa, 08 Juli 2014

Buying an assembled computer? Why not?

Many of my friends say, if it's a computer assembly quality is not good and not fancy . But do not get me wrong. Not always output computer manufacturer / vendor specific nicer than the computers we own raft. Because in addition to a relatively expensive price of the assembled computer itself, we also can not freely choose what is proper specifications in accordance with the wishes and needs of our own. But everything back to ourselves. The extent to which the ability and insight on how to assemble and assemble your own computer. I suggest if you do not quite understand how to assemble a computer properly, you better buy computer parts your own. Then ask for help from people who are used to assemble a pc.

Here is the main component of the computer is:

  v  CPU (Central Processing Unit)
  v  monitor
  v  Keyboard & Mouse
  v  Supporting components such as printers, scanners, speakers, etc.

Of these components, the CPU holds the most important role in determining the performance of the computer.  On the desktop computer, the CPU is usually tangible box big enough (and quite heavy). In the CPU there are components include:
 Processor. This is the "brain" of a computer. The sophistication of a computer is measured by how advanced processor.
- Motherboard or Mainboard. Shaped like a "board" with a lot of electronic components. All components of the computer will be connected to the motherboard.
- Memory. Temporarily store and process all kinds of data. Its capacity is measured in Mega Bytes or Giga Bytes. 
- VGA Card. Specific components to process graphic display that will be displayed on the screen. In some types of motherboards, these components are integrated.
- Sound Card. Specific components to process sound will be heard through external speakers or headphones. Current generation motherboards usually have to integrate these components.
- Hard Disk. Is a permanent data storage media and we can access whenever we want. Its capacity is measured in Giga Bytes.
- Optical Drive. Useful to read (and in some types, as well as to save) data in the form of a CD or DVD.
- Floppy Disk Drive. If we want to save or read data stored on disks, then this component is an absolute must have. Today the diskette has been rarely used so keberassan Floppy Disk Drive is also less necessary. 
- Power Supply Unit (PSU). Like a heart for our bodies. This is the component that supplies power to all other components. Bisasnya when we buy a case (box) CPU, PSU in it's already there.

       Before buying a computer, things to consider before buying a computer device (especially the desktop computer assembly):

-        The need or usefulness of such computer
-        We are allocating maximum funds

The usefulness of computer
     Identification of the first computers that we buy will be used for, or to run any application. This will determine the usefulness of the computer specifications that we will buy.

     If only just for office work such as typing letters, reports, presentations and the Internet only, of course, will throw money if we buy the latest computer with super-advanced specification.

     But more specific uses, to play the game (for example), requires specification of different components again. Do not just buy the latest computers. So, first identify your needs.

budget Funds
     Once we determine the usefulness of computers, we have to specify how the funds will be our maximum budgeted. Define also other supporting devices that we need.

     These funds will determine at which level computer devices that we will buy the appropriate utility. Is the low-end, mid-end, or high-end? Cheap computer is not necessarily cheap.

Feel free to ask questions and seek information
     This is the key so as not to regret later on when we decided to buy a computer assembly. It never hurts to ask to the computer store or wherever to increase knowledge.

May be useful.. J

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