Selasa, 08 Juli 2014

The negative impact of online gaming on kids

Although the online game can be declared a positive impact on children, experts still recommend that children should not linger long stay in playing the game. Because, also expressed in some researchers, that play also adversely affect children.

Firstly, According to Professor of Psychology Douglas A. Gentile, who runs the Media Research Lab at Iowa State University, Ames, kids addiction, depression, anxiety, and social phobias would worsen and their school grades will drop.

Second, Douglas also mentions over time playing video games pose a risk of children exposed to concentration problems and hyperactivity are two times higher. Meanwhile, when they quit the addiction, depression, anxiety, and social phobias would be better.

Third, there is also a negative effect on the child's social life if too often play games especially online games, are children of time with friends and family became estranged because of association only around online games just not in a real environment.

Fourth, if used to just interact with the game to make children be covered and difficult to express himself while in a real environment.

Thus, because the game is not just a positive influence but also negative effects, required parental role in assisting and supervising children in playing games. Parents should be able to provide an explanation, advice and good information about the games children played. Parents also need to control the children about the limitations of time in playing games that are not excessive and avoid negative effects for children.
Buying an assembled computer? Why not?

Many of my friends say, if it's a computer assembly quality is not good and not fancy . But do not get me wrong. Not always output computer manufacturer / vendor specific nicer than the computers we own raft. Because in addition to a relatively expensive price of the assembled computer itself, we also can not freely choose what is proper specifications in accordance with the wishes and needs of our own. But everything back to ourselves. The extent to which the ability and insight on how to assemble and assemble your own computer. I suggest if you do not quite understand how to assemble a computer properly, you better buy computer parts your own. Then ask for help from people who are used to assemble a pc.

Here is the main component of the computer is:

  v  CPU (Central Processing Unit)
  v  monitor
  v  Keyboard & Mouse
  v  Supporting components such as printers, scanners, speakers, etc.

Of these components, the CPU holds the most important role in determining the performance of the computer.  On the desktop computer, the CPU is usually tangible box big enough (and quite heavy). In the CPU there are components include:
 Processor. This is the "brain" of a computer. The sophistication of a computer is measured by how advanced processor.
- Motherboard or Mainboard. Shaped like a "board" with a lot of electronic components. All components of the computer will be connected to the motherboard.
- Memory. Temporarily store and process all kinds of data. Its capacity is measured in Mega Bytes or Giga Bytes. 
- VGA Card. Specific components to process graphic display that will be displayed on the screen. In some types of motherboards, these components are integrated.
- Sound Card. Specific components to process sound will be heard through external speakers or headphones. Current generation motherboards usually have to integrate these components.
- Hard Disk. Is a permanent data storage media and we can access whenever we want. Its capacity is measured in Giga Bytes.
- Optical Drive. Useful to read (and in some types, as well as to save) data in the form of a CD or DVD.
- Floppy Disk Drive. If we want to save or read data stored on disks, then this component is an absolute must have. Today the diskette has been rarely used so keberassan Floppy Disk Drive is also less necessary. 
- Power Supply Unit (PSU). Like a heart for our bodies. This is the component that supplies power to all other components. Bisasnya when we buy a case (box) CPU, PSU in it's already there.

       Before buying a computer, things to consider before buying a computer device (especially the desktop computer assembly):

-        The need or usefulness of such computer
-        We are allocating maximum funds

The usefulness of computer
     Identification of the first computers that we buy will be used for, or to run any application. This will determine the usefulness of the computer specifications that we will buy.

     If only just for office work such as typing letters, reports, presentations and the Internet only, of course, will throw money if we buy the latest computer with super-advanced specification.

     But more specific uses, to play the game (for example), requires specification of different components again. Do not just buy the latest computers. So, first identify your needs.

budget Funds
     Once we determine the usefulness of computers, we have to specify how the funds will be our maximum budgeted. Define also other supporting devices that we need.

     These funds will determine at which level computer devices that we will buy the appropriate utility. Is the low-end, mid-end, or high-end? Cheap computer is not necessarily cheap.

Feel free to ask questions and seek information
     This is the key so as not to regret later on when we decided to buy a computer assembly. It never hurts to ask to the computer store or wherever to increase knowledge.

May be useful.. J
How to Take Care of a Laptop

Laptop user is today's trend, easy to carry and featuring an exclusive style. Even has long been used to guard it like new perfect buy. Laptops are effective treatments prolong its working life.

Here's how to care for Laptops:
1. Baterai
v  Avoid the use of batteries.
v  Computer cooler without the heat from the battery.
v  If the battery is fully depleted, it is recommended to use the power of the adapter.
v  Make sure the battery is below 10% before recharging.
v  If too frequently charged, the battery will lose its ability to store energy in the bottom 50%.

2. Keyboard
   v  Place a sheet of A4 paper to the keyboard every time the keyboard is not used to avoid dust entered.
   v  Occasionally wipe the keyboard slowly, do not be too rough to avoid broken buttons.
   v  If possible, use a separate keyboard and mouse so that we do not overuse the laptop keyboard.

 3. Screen LCD
   v  Use the LCD protector.
   v  Use Screen Saver.
   v  Power Management Turn Off monitor is set on in the next few minutes.  
   v  Avoid touching the screen with fingers because of the effects that make it difficult for cleansing oily.     
   v  Do not put your finger on the screen because it can cause DEAD PIXEL.

4. Exodus Heat
   v  Make sure the laptop is no space to remove the heat.
   v  Keep in mind that the laptop has a small storage space.

5. Surge Protectors
v  Function as maintaining software and hardware from broken.
v  Recommended brand APC, BELKIN or TARGUS.
v  Another advantage is keeping the HDD Surge Protectors and Power Supply.

6. Port
v  Always be cleaned as easily accessible dust.
v  Use a brush or old toothbrush.
v  Use the switch is turned off when making cleanup.

Hopefully Helpful.. :)
Differences love and lust

     You mean my writing is not in touch with the things that pornography. The point that I just wanted to tell which is really where the love of her partner and also who love only with sheer lust. In my opinion there are 3 that differentiate love and lust, including:

1. The Love can make us smile, while passion can make us disappointed. If likened to a paddy rice field is the love and lust is a weed. Well, when one plant rice (love) in the field it will automatically weeds grow well (lust). If the person already knows and understands what it is rice (what love is), then he would immediately cut the weeds (lust) that grow in the fields. When it's harvest time, this person will reap the results of their fields planted with rice (love) it was a piece of rice (happiness). Another story with people who think weed fooled (lust) as rice (love). They will maintain weeds (lust) and rice plants (love) will die. At the time of harvest, of which they can just sack of weed (lust) is not good to eat (disappointment).

2. Love is happiness, lust was harmful. A lover who already find and understand the meaning of true love in him will be the happy condition. Conversely, people who are fooled by lust and lust is considered to be in love in a dangerous condition.

3. Love always wanted to love, while lust has always wanted to fondle. The foundation of a person in a relationship will determine on how these people treat their partner. People who are in a relationship with a foundation of love will always treat their partners in ways that good, keep, cherish, pay attention and always give their best. Whereas if the person desires a relationship because couples tend to treat the physical direction, as if to kiss, want to hug, want to fondle, and so forth. Even worse still to act immoral.
Skill and Attitude

     Understanding Skill is an ability that is usually associated with science and technology. While Attitude is a person's attitude or behavior to carry themselves and act based on his way of thinking that involves feelings and beliefs. Many people think that the success or success is determined by the skill of the attitude. I think the fact that success is determined more by attitude. Although someone has skill but has a poor attitude, it will not guarantee that people will achieve success. Because it is impossible someone will achieve success if no one else is able to work together with the people.

     Attitude change or repair a bad attitude is not an easy job. Because the effort required to convert a very large and sometimes requires sacrifice and a long time. Meanwhile, to improve skills can be obtained by continuous learning.

     Do not be Afraid of Dreaming

     Dream or dreams can indeed become a source of inspiration for us. Many say that life started from a dream, I think it can be said like that because in a dream itself there is a desire or aspiration to be realized. But sometimes that dream can actually backfire for us, because when we are not serious or lazing in the pursuit of a dream or desire itself then it will be a source of suffering for us.

     But do not be afraid to dream, to prove that we can achieve our dreams and not just be a mere dreamer. It all depends on ourselves, not dependent on others, because the biggest enemy in our lives is ourselves. And in this world everything it can still happen, even if its a small possibility. Ga will never likely happen is that we bite our own heads .!!!

Senin, 23 Juni 2014

Information Question (5W + 1H), Yes/No Question and Tag Questions

1. Information Question (5W+1H)

One of the most universally used tools for information gathering, analysis, organization and presentation is the 5W1H framework. This method is used across a range of professions, from process analysts to quality engineers to journalists, to understand and explain virtually any problem or issue. The same method can be used to organize the writing of reports, articles, white papers, and even whole books.
The 5Ws + H formula has been attributed to English rhetorician Thomas Wilson, who introduced the method in his discussion of the "seven circumstances" of medieval rhetoric.
To be a journalist 5W 1H is very important, especially to write "lede" (some call it "leads") news, which is a paragraph (or two paragraphs) opening news. In approximately 35-40 words, should insert the 5W 1H. It was in the news writing.

Applying the 5W1H framework to other types of writing or investigation takes some interpretation. The order in which the answers to the questions is presented may vary, but the “what” is usually addressed first.

·         What
In journalism, the “what” identifies an event and is often stated in the “lead (or lede),” the first paragraph of a news story. The “what” is the primary subject, the reason the information is being gathered and presented. Apart from journalism, it may be stated in a title and in a purpose statement. The “what” may need to be defined, a process that may comprise the remainder of a document. Example :    What, specifically,…?

·         Who
A news story identifies who an event involves. The “who” may be part of the lede, and could be the reason the story is news worthy. In other contexts, the “who” identifies the persons or groups the “what” concerns. It might describe the audience of a document, or those who are affected by a policy, process or procedure. Example :    Who benefits?

·         When
A key part of a news story is describing when an event happened. Answering the “when” indicates any time sensitivity related to the “what.” It may be part of an instruction regarding the proper point at which a action should be taken. Sometimes it may be part of an “If…then” scenario of conditional action. Example :    When will it start/end?

·         Where
A news story reports the location at which an event took place. The “where” describes a geographical or physical location of importance to the “what.” At times, the where may be less important than other factors. Example :    Where are you?

·         Why
The “why” is usually the most neglected of the questions in the framework. News stories often lack information from authoritative sources to explain the “why.” In other contexts, the “why” may be considered irrelevant, particularly when describing a policy or procedure decreed by an organizational authority. Efforts to ascertain and explain the “why” may help those affected be more accepting of any change the “what” requires. Example :    Why does that happen?

·         How
For journalists, determining how an event took place may be nearly as challenging as explaining the “why,” although more effort is usually put to satisfying the question. When describing policies, processes or procedures, the how may be the most important part of the effort. A considerable appetite for understanding how to do something can be found across audiences. Sometimes effort focuses on the “what” when more work should be devoted to explaining the “how.” Example :    How much?

2. Yes/No Question

Yes-No question is a question that requires a yes answer (yes) or no (no). Yes-no question can be made by changing the declarative sentence (statement). You have to know which one subject, the main verb (not followed by any verb), and the auxiliary verb (primary auxiliary verb / capital).
The yes-no question is found in three varieties: the inverted question, the typical exemplar of this kind; the inverted question offering an alternative (which may require more than a simple yes or no for an answer); and the tag question:
Are you going? (inversion)
Are you staying or going? (inversion with alternative)
You’re going, aren’t you? (tag)

Examples Declarative Sentence:
1. Caca should see the dentist as soon as possible.
2. Zula is kindhearted young man.
3. Your father works hard.

That needs to be done to form a yes-no question is a helping verb move to the front of the sentence, the main verb changed into a basic form (bare infinitive) only for simple tense, as well as adding a question mark (question mark) at the end of the sentence.

3. Tag Questions

in a tag question, the speaker makes a statement, but is not completely certain of the truth, so he or she uses a tag question to verify the previous statement. Sentences using tag questions should have the main clause separated from the tag by a comma. The sentence will always end a question mark.Example:

1. There are only twenty-eight days in February, aren’t there?
2. It’s raining now, isn’t it?
3. The boys don’t have class tomorrow, do they?
4. You and i talked with the professor yesterday, didn’t we?
5. Jill and Joe have been to Mexico, haven’t they?


1. Definition of Subject, Verb, Complement, Modifier

a. Subject
definition : The subject is the part of the sentence that performs an action or which is associated with the action. The subject is typically a noun, noun phrase, or pronoun. In a declarative sentence, the subject usually appears before the verb ("Gus never smiles"). In an interrogative sentence, the subject usually follows the first part of a verb ("Does Gus ever smile?").

b. Verb
definition : Verbs are a class of words used to show the performance of an action (do, throw, run), existence (be), possession (have), or state (know, love) of a subject. To put it simply a verb shows what something or someone does.

c. Complement
definition : A complement completes the verb. It is similar to the subject because it is usually a noun or noun phrase; however, it generally follows the verb when the sentence is in the active voice.

d. Modifier
definition : A modifier tells the time, place or manner of the action. Very often it is a prepositional phrase. A prepositional phrase is a group of words that begins with a preposition and ends with a noun.

Example :
1. josephira is buying a new bag in the store
(Josephira = Subject | is buying = verb phrase | a new bag = complement | in the store = modifier of place)

2. Vina write the letter on the paper
(Vina = Subject | write = verb | the letter = complement | on the paper = modifier )

3. Udin, Sukesih, and I went to a restaurant last night
(Udin, Sukesih, and I = Subject | went = verb | to a restaurant = complement | last night = modifier of time)

4. Amrozy is cooking dinner tonight.
(Amrozy = Subject | is cooking = verb phrase | dinner = complement | tonight = modifier of time)

5. Asep and Nori have visited the president in his house.
(Asep and Nori = Subject | have visited = verb phrase | the president = complement | in his house = modifier of place)

2. Pronouns

There are five forms of pronouns in english; subject pronouns, complement pronouns (object pronouns), possessive pronouns, possessive adjectives and reflexive pronouns.

a. Subject Pronouns
Subject pronouns occur in the subject position of a sentence or after the verb be.
Verbs: I, you, he, she, it, they, we 
Example: I am playing a ball

b. Complement Pronouns
Complement pronouns occur in complement position, whether they complement a verb or a preposition.
Verbs: me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them
Example: Rico called me on the phone.

c. Possessive Adjectives
Possessive adjectives are not the same as possessive pronouns. These simply modify, rather than replace, nouns; possessive pronouns replace nouns. Possessive forms indicate ownership.
Verbs: my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their
Example: Paul is washing his car.

d. Possessive Pronouns
These pronouns cannot precede a noun. They are pronouns and thus replace the noun. The noun is understood from the context and is not repeated.
mine = my + noun; for example, my car.
yours = your + noun; for example, your car.
hers = her + noun; for example, her car.
Verbs: mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs.
Example: This is your car = This is yours

e. Reflexive Pronouns
These pronouns usually follow the verb and indicate that the subject is both giving and receiving the action.
Verbs: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves.
Example: his mother bought him a new car = John bought himself a new car.